Ok...I took the motor out. Removed head and found that the piston ring where the split in it is has dug itself into the piston. 2nd is that since I had no friggin air filter it looks a lil dirty in the crankcase. The cylinder in the head doesn't look scoured or anything. A very very minute grove I can feel at the very very top of the cylinder where the top sparkplug case bolts. The piston has no I.d. marks on the top so I assume it's stock. Is it as easy as buyin a piston/ring/gasket set and installing. How can I clean the bottom end. I would think the head is fine.
For ALL to learn, no filter = BADI wouldn't even run no filter in winter, it will keep snow dust out. They have filters on sno-mos I:I
Hope you didn't FUBAR your engine with no filter X(