need help bad.


New Member
Apr 25, 2010
independence, ohio
i just finished a top end rebuild and now i cannot get it to idle what so ever and if it does run for a second i need to like clean my plug and put it back in everytime. what is going on! where should my air screw be and if possible where should my idle screw be? is there anything that could be causing this other than adjustments?
start with the air screw at 1.5-2 turns out that should be fine, the idle screw under the seat screw it out till it idles, if you have to keep changing plugs it prob too rich and fouling them out

what jets are you running?
still wont run even at 2 turns out idles for a bout a min then dies. if i pull the plug and let it burn with some starting fluid and put it back in itll do the same thing. could my plug just be shot or is it still way rich