my yz490 blaster

get some better shocks on there and get the engine ported. then you can have some major fun with it.
i have a blaster with a yz 490 as problem is getting a pipe that will work for it.i see you said you have an f7 pipe with a powercore 2 silencer.what year and model is the f7 and how does it run with that pipe(and is that a motorcycle pipe?)?did you do any mods to the pipe itself to fit?any help would be greatly apperciated.thank you!
i have a blaster with a yz 490 as problem is getting a pipe that will work for it.i see you said you have an f7 pipe with a powercore 2 silencer.what year and model is the f7 and how does it run with that pipe(and is that a motorcycle pipe?)?did you do any mods to the pipe itself to fit?any help would be greatly apperciated.thank you!

Don't waste your time trying to make a stock type blaster pipe work.
A stock style blaster pipe header actually fits inside a 490's exhaust port.
That right there should be enough to know it's not gonna work.
Your gonna have to do what he did and what I did.
Buy a pipe made for a 490 then cut, twist, turn, and re-weld to fit without adding or subtraction from the pipe itself.
Take the easy road like I did the second time around and have a custom pipe made like my out of frame pipe.
thats correct rick777. your best luck is to try and find the pipe for your engine and then cut and re weld, when get it into the position you want. with the way i have it its kind of like the LRD adjustable pipe for the HONDA 250R where i actually lengthened the the expansion chamber and made it so it would over lap, and put tabs on it to put bolts in to hold it together. of course it wasnt for performance gains more for ease of taking the pipe in and out of the frame. I did get lucky with another project kind of similar but with a 77 yz 400 engine instead and used a CR250 pipe. it ran great but because of how the frame had to be cut to fit the engine, I kept having issues with the frame cracking

finally found some of the build up pics and sorry no videos yet probably this spring take some and if anyone is wondering yes that is an AAV in the back of last pic :)