the old stock exhaust was all rusty so I wanted something nicer and learned on the LTR forum looking at dyno's and hear say, how the 08+ had better power. the comparison chart was to see if there was a difference so while they were dyno tuning an LTR with big bore and porting and cam iirc, they swaped it to the 08 (the guy wanted stock look/sound) then followed it up with a Yosh setup off another bike. was pretty cool to see it's not just talk.

so I finally got around to doing my graphics kit black/white with some nice aggressive aloha print/tribal look (stock was blue/red/white and black). I still haven't been back to work since crashing it. but I fixed most of the bike. I have a lonestar chromoly steering stem to replace the stocker that was bent, I have flexx bars so I had to get a large houser antivibe clamp (houser has a kill switch holder is why I went with it and a lonestar dash light holder all where the damage on the steering stem. as when I pulled the stock stem the stock dash had to go an my lights were hanging/dangling all over the place so I figured more custom is always a good thing so I put on most of my graphics and I'm heating my vinyl to redo the seat (that's why I have no seat on in the pix) so once I redo it I'll post more pix. should be later today I hope). other than that, my nice grab bar that I got a month or so ago is bent and the black is chipping/flaking off but I have a few other things on my list before I worry about the grab bar it's still solid functionally. anywho, here's the pix with the kid and new stem/clamp and dash...

my black pro armor nerfs should be here in a week or so they're the power grip ones that I can add pegs and heel gards to, but for now they'll work with the stock heel gards. and I'm getting a few other pro armor pieces to top it off, kill switch, maybe shifter, brake pedal and a few things here and there. but that's further down the road. next month the nerfs and kill switch will be on and it'll be ready for the track, oh, here's a close up of the dash board, incase Billy or anyone with an LTR wants to see, I had to search the net high and low to find ONE other bike with it, it was white also and alot nicer than my bike. but it's come a decent way so far from when I got it. gonna pick up my rear baja wheels this weekend to match the front. but I want black so I'm also looking into getting a set of rear black beadlocks ITP or DWT forget what they are. and some fronts if I can find them if not anything black will work but I'd prefer beadlocks then baja, then just plain... just to go with my black/white theme more.