My latest project


New Member
Jul 17, 2008
My little sister has a hard time down shifting her 50cc ATV with her foot as it requires you to pull upwards to down shift so I made a hand style shifter. Made it much easier for her to shift the gears now. Any comments, advice or something I could have done better?






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No you have done an excellent job on the hand pull shifter! looks great! Have you tried it yet?

Only issue I see is that handle at the top?? might be too much weight over bumps and cause it to shift? maybe not..
But sure does look killer..
I would put it on and take it for a test ride to see.. you might have to loose the handle.
if not
It hasn't been rode yet with this set up but the knob is very light weight and should not cause any problem. The entire shift lever weighs more than the knob.
nice job
might have to try this on my blasty since my accident and broken left foot, ya only need the clutch to get started, then bang away on this, cool, if ya do have to loose the shift knob, make sure ya put sumthin on there so she doesnt get impaled in a crash, a tennis ball maybe???
nice job
might have to try this on my blasty since my accident and broken left foot, ya only need the clutch to get started, then bang away on this, cool, if ya do have to loose the shift knob, make sure ya put sumthin on there so she doesnt get impaled in a crash, a tennis ball maybe???

That is the only reason for the knob anyways but I just noticed that the black/silver part comes off the base leaving a nice small knob, so either way it will work. Ill post installed pics tonight when I get home.
If you notice there is a second one on the table. If anyone needs it cover shipping and Ill send it to you.