hey guys just figured i would let you all know that i still have the tracked vehicle i was building over the summer and posted a tread about my build step by step, as of aug. 2009 i moved to York pa to go college @ yti for motorcycle mechanics and i will be don’t this coming may, as for the tracked vehicle it have the frame painted so it doesn’t rust , all the parts labled put in plastic bins in my garage back home in ny waiting for me when i get home this summer to continue working on it, hope non of you guys thought that i had given up on my build, but i did get another new user name besides "blasterkid89" and figured id let you guys know just in case you wanted to check it out here’s a link to my build page and where i left off this summer
hope that everyone has a good holiday and got plenty of goodies for x-mas, ill keep you guys posted with my progress this summer on the tracked vehicle build- so i should keep pretty busy with that project and working on my 92 LT250R im working on as well
take care
-shannon (92quadracerkid)
hope that everyone has a good holiday and got plenty of goodies for x-mas, ill keep you guys posted with my progress this summer on the tracked vehicle build- so i should keep pretty busy with that project and working on my 92 LT250R im working on as well
take care
-shannon (92quadracerkid)