My Gf Caught Red Handed,

01 fmf blaster

New Member
Mar 8, 2008
Great state of Georgia
Ok i got this of another site lets see who gets it.....

I've had my GF for 2 years now (practically lives with me) - smallwhite, petite thang, cooks for me, always been good to me.

I go away on vacation for a week, come back and something just doesn'tseem right . I asked my Father if he had seen anything happen with my GFand he acts clueless.

So fast forward to 3 weeks later... I'm coming home from work when bamclear as day right in my Kitchen I catch my Father red handed with hismeat in my GF.

I was PISSED, told him to get his meat out of GF and GTFO, needless tosay my GF got turned off. I just couldn't get over it and that nightkicked my GF to the curb.

Now it's been 2 weeks since the incident and that I've been without myGF and about 10 minutes ago my Father had the audacity to ask my how myGF has been.
- when he's the damn reason we ain't together no more.

I dont know what to do! can some one point me in the right direction.

For all you curious people out there... heres a pic of my GF


LMFAO.... you had me there dude I was lke WTF...... lol kinda got a little flammed for ya lol :p
and hen I get to the end.

Thanks for the laugh of the day bro! Thats killer!
let me tell u what man i had a gf for the same amount of time as u and she was just a dick to me all the time i finally ended it with her and realized life is to short to be with someone who treats u like crap and especially cheats on u i would forget her find u a new better gf and keep ur dad away frm this one.
No sh*t, Im sitting here thinking man..this is a blaster forum...not Dr Phils personal hotline.

Good one though
good one, had me goin too!!!!
but i got a different outlook on catchin a girl in the act of cheatin on me, the way i see it, the sh*ts already happening, so im gonna run around to whatever end of her is not gettin abused at that time, and im gonna get me one last shot, before she gotta go!!!!!!