B blasterdemon7 I'm not winning. Nov 19, 2009 13,642 251 125 54 Delaware Oct 10, 2010 #21 It's an NOS jug. Never been ran. It does need a hone from sitting. At worst it will need it's first bore. I'll have to check and see what's it worth. Maybe enuff to get some nerfs. Lol.
It's an NOS jug. Never been ran. It does need a hone from sitting. At worst it will need it's first bore. I'll have to check and see what's it worth. Maybe enuff to get some nerfs. Lol.
S scotj77 Member Feb 11, 2010 5,546 70 85 47 Orlando, fl Oct 10, 2010 #22 I'm not reading this tread anymore! next he's gonna find a 250r decked out for 50 bucks