My annotated bibliography of this site


New Member
Oct 4, 2009
Lynnwood, WA
Lol just thought I would share... This is part of my senior project.

Yamaha Blaster Forum - The #1 Community For Yamaha Blaster Owners! Web. 08 Apr. 2010. <>.This website has helped me through my high and lows of my senior project. The people on here are extremely helpful and nice people and they also have done builds like mine so they know how to fix a certain thing if/when it happens. Also they give excellent tips and tricks to do things at home without spending a ridiculous amount of money on something that can be fixed or made up with some angle iron. Another reason I used this website as if it were a religion is because of how helpful the people are and that they have a DIY (do it yourself) section that has step by step pictures also with words explaining what to do and where and how to do things so you don't mess up. Overall I think that this was my number 1 resource during this entire project. One of the things that I learned from here is how to paint the frame and how many coats to use of each item (primer and paint). Another thing that is helpful from the people on here is that they know the majority of Yamaha ATV's and they were able to tell me that Banshee hubs are interchangeable with Blaster hubs and they slip right on with no problems.
What format? that's not gonna do it if its APA. Aside from various things, cite when you retrieved the information. Writing should be done in 3rd person, refering to yourself, if at all as author. When finishing place examples of who might benefit. An AB is basically an enhanced referance, identify the book/site/etc, its purpose, its structure, a few highpoints/summations and who will benefit. It has nothing to do with you (hence 3rd person), you are explaining to the reader what blaster forum is, what it contains and who will benefit. This is a quick example, though it should be considered a rough draft as I just tossed it together.

The website is a moderated interactive internet based forum dealing primarily with the Yamaha Blaster atv. With a membership of XXX people it is a well utilized, including 5,313 unique visits in Februrary 2010 (siteanalytics, 2010). The site features many sections, including engine, suspension and body modifications as well as pictures and videos of members atv's. With members ranging from teenagers to atv performance buisness owners and seasoned racers, members questions and problems are solved quickly and accuratly. The site also contains many 'stickys' or posts that are flaged to stay at the top of their section. These 'stickys' contain information that is consider extremely relavent and may answer many questions and can be a time saver. Also included in forum is a search function and a private message system to communicate with other member. This website can be an invaluable asset to the Blaster owner and would also be of aid to the person considering the purchase of one. Owners of other atvs may find this site interesting as well.

While not perfect, that is an example of how to put together an APA anotated bib.

Her is another example (much bigger, in apa format and recieved an A in college eng comp II) Including cover page, abstract and refs..

Running head: THE SPIN

The Spin: An Annotated Bibliography
Mercy College of Northwest Ohio
Composition II/ Victor Monroe
February 1, 2009


An annotated bibliography of several references on the topic of spin. The author utilizes a variety of informational sources including interviews, books and the internet. Each source of information will observe the subject of spin, but from a different perspective.
These references will provide the reader with some of the tools necessary to become a better informed and more objective person.



Relentlessly bombarded by the rhetoric of a spinning world, how ca n one survive? Every one around us seems to be spinning words, from used car salesmen, to politicians and yes, even Frank the grocer can make us dizzy. Bright and shiny examples abound, such as our recent presidential campaign. Barrack Obama, while running for president, hired a young speech writer/spin doctor named Jon Favreau. A wise decision as Mr. Favreau not only understood the demographic Obama wanted to reach, but was also part of it. Together they used the art of spinning to elevate Obama to ‘rock star’ status and subsequently win the election. Another timely example is Circuit City. This chain is going out of business and is having the subsequent ‘going out of business sale’. As consumers flock to the store for the advertised 70% off savings, they fail to realize that prices were marked up considerably prior to the markdowns. The consumer thinks they are getting a deal but in reality many prices are actually higher than they were originally. Unless one learns to see beyond the smoke and mirrors, mind numbing brain death is sure to occur.
The interviews, articles and websites chosen for this bibliography offer valuable information and insight into the topic. Equipped with instruction, example and analysis, the referenced material paints the art of spin in a clear light. The sources listed in this bibliography come from diverse backgrounds, encompassing different facets of everyday life. Such a wide ranging sampling of sources illustrates the fact that we are surrounded by distortion at every turn. The interview with Ann Foeller (attorney) is interesting in that without pretense; she openly elaborates on the subject. As an attorney she creates a spin, rapidly analyzes a counter spin and then instantaneously creates a spin on a spin on a spin, all the while maintaining a factual base.
The web based article How to Master Political Spin ( offers an informative 7 step guide on creating political spin yourself. Given the ability to create affords one the ability to recognize.
While being able to recognize the deception of spin would be of great benefit to society in general, not many are willing to spend the time. The educated and informed will pursue the truth, especially if the subject matter interests them. Others are simply content to hear what they want to hear or ignore what doesn’t immediately and directly impact them. Somewhere in the middle is the general public. By referencing the material from various areas of life, hopefully some will choose to read and understand. These will become the more informed and understanding of the populace.


Annotated Bibliography
Brown, J. (February 11, 2009). [interview]
An interview with Joan Brown, RN, CNS, BSN, MSN, on the subject of spin. This interview servers to illicit her use of spin as it pertains to her role as educator and nurse, a well as her thoughts and opinions on the subject. The interview consisted of a set of questions, to which she was asked to answer and elaborate. In her role as a nurse and as
Associate Professor of Nursing at Mercy College, she deals with the sick and with students who are stressed and may not be succeeding to their potential. Asked if she employed spin in her practice as a nurse and educator she replied “yes”. The interview focused on how she uses spin when dealing with students and patients. Brown answered all questions with immediate and insightful responses while displaying an enjoyment of the conversation. Brown also agreed to follow up interviews on the subject for future assignments. Her thoughts and comments would be enlightening to persons who deal with the public, even more so to those that manage people in high stress environments.

EHow Culture & Society Editor (N.D.) How to Master Political Spin.
Retrieved January 23, 2009 from How to Master Political Spin |
E How is as its name implies a website whose purpose is to explain how to do things.
The article begins with a short explanation of the concept of spin, and then proceeds to offer a simple seven step process into becoming a “Spin Doctor”. A Spin Doctor is a term referring to one who has truly mastered the art of spin, an Obi Wan Kenobi armed with a word saber. Such grand success may not be accomplished with seven simple steps, but if one pays attention they will definitely walk away with a better understanding. Step one goes on to state that “spin is cynically perceived as a form of propaganda”. The fact that it is “cynically perceived” is of no consequence, the fact remains that spin is propaganda. It is an attempt to influence through words. Whether speaking truth or fiction, one is trying to not only make their point, but to also make their point accepted. Spin is nothing more than an attempt to peddle influence. The remaining steps offer a short tutorial in the manipulation of mind and belief, provided in a simple and easily digestible manner.
While not being incredibly in-depth, this article would be of significant benefit to anyone involved in public speaking and public relations. The young aspiring student politician, vying for his first seat on student council, would also be well versed to read this article.

Foeller, A. (January 30, 2009). [interview]
An interview with A. Foeller on the subject of spin. This interview serves to illicit her experience, thoughts and effects of spin. Ann Foeller is a semi-retired corporate trial attorney. Foeller has worked with several law firms and was a partner with Dickenson Wright of Detroit Mi.. During her tenure as a trial lawyer she has represented major auto makers, amusement parks and many other high profile clients. During her 20 year career as a trial lawyer, she has yet to loose a case. The interview was conducted as a set list of questions and Foeller was encouraged to elaborate and expand upon her answers as she saw fit. All matters discussed were in plain English, in contrast to the ‘Legalese’ spoken formally by attorneys. Foeller answered all questions while injecting explanations and insight, as well as differentiating between fact, generalizations and opinion. Members of the legal profession, law aficionados as well as anyone interested in the legal profession would enjoy this article. The article would also be appropriate to in debate of politics and spin.

Google Software. (2008) Google Software Labs: In Quotes. Retrieved from
In Quotes January 26, 2009.
An interesting reference, Google Software Labs: In Quotes is more a tool, as opposed to an educational reference. Google is a leading internet based search engine and portal, with its designers setting their sights on becoming much more. This website allows one to take two political figures, apply a quote or subject and then compares what the two have said. This process allows the user to see where each figure stands, while comparing and contrasting each figure's spin on a particular subject. The site is user friendly, requiring very little acclimation to use it to its full potential. All quotes used by the serviced come from its database of recent news stories. As knowledge of this website spreads, it will soon become a favorite and invaluable reference site of internet searching college students. Those in the media that need a quick and accurate method of reference
Verification will undoubtedly find this website a great help as well.

Hicks, K., (N.D.) The Anatomy of Spin Causes, Consequences, and Cure. Retrieve from
Spin January 29, 2009.
In the essay The Anatomy of Spin Causes, Consequences, and Cure, Dr. Hicks provides a scholarly view of the concept of political spin. Dr. Kenneth S. Hicks holds doctoral and master’s degrees in government and international studies from the University of South Carolina and a bachelor’s degree in political science from the State University of West Georgia. He is also the department head of the History and Political Science department at Rogers University. In writing this essay, Dr. Hicks provides a very insightful and comprehendible explanation of the concept of political spin, examining its causes and effects. The article is written in formal manner and is directed towards educating an individual as opposed to entertainment and is complete with references and examples. Dr. Hicks describes political spin as a “innate to the political process” and includes offensive and defensive agendas. Politics is about influence, either carrying out a personal agenda or being elected to carry out the agenda of your constituents. Involving perception and favor, the politician attempts to win his battles with words. Often involving a give and take with another politician’s agenda, trying to get as much as possible while giving up the least. Dr. Hicks elaborates on this aspect very well, and the political scholar would be wise indeed, to take heed of his words. Aspiring journalists would also be find this article very informative.
Jamieson, K. (2007) UnSpun. New York, New York: Random House
Kathleen Hall Jamieson is a Professor of Communication at the Annenberg School of Communication at the University of Pennsylvania. In her book UnSpun, Jamieson attempts through example and analysis to peer the haze of the smoke filled room of spin, in covering subjects from politics to marketing, clear examples are provided. The following provides a typical example. “Munchkin Inc., said of one of its products: ‘baby bottles like Tri Flow have been clinically shown to reduce colic’. But look behind the clinically proven claim and you will find the test was of a competitor’s similar bottle, not Munchkin’s”. While not an entirely false claim, due to the wording used, it can definitely be misleading. Munchkin’s bottle has not been clinically proven to do anything. The bottle may be similar, but not identical. While the consumer is expecting it to prevent colic based on the advertising there is no proof. Contained within the chapters of UnSpun are more examples progressing to the tricks used to create the spin, understanding why we get spun and concluding with how to not get spun. The book is written in a very easy to read fashion, and is dressed up in such a way as to make the reading enjoyable and entertaining. A worthwhile read for anyone desiring to become a more informed consumer as well as anyone looking for an engaging book to while away the hours.

Jackson, B. (n.d.). Annenburg political Fact Check:
Retrieved from on January 28, 2009.
The website is a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania. Directed by Brooks Jackson, the website relies on no direct outside financing to preserve objectivity and utilizes. The purpose of the website is to analyze the factual accuracy of statements made by politicians and the media in a non-biased manner. The website states in it’s ‘about us’ section that, “Our goal is to apply the best practices of both journalism and scholarship and to increase public knowledge and understanding”. The website includes a search feature, which will allow someone to enter a query and view the results. By using this feature, those interested in understanding political spin will be better able to understand the difference between what the politician says, and what actual reality is. Through experimentation with this website, the user will walk away with a better understanding of what political spin is, how it is done, and how to recognize the spin in real time. This website will be extremely useful to the media based political analyst wanting to check the facts of a political advertisement or speech in an expeditious manner. The informed voter would also find this resource very informative and an often checked resource.

O’Donnell. (February 11, 2009). [interview]
An interview with Theresa O’Donnell, RN, BSN, MSN on the subject of spin. The interview consisted of a series of predetermined questions, which she was asked to answer and elaborate upon. O’Donnell is the director of the nursing skills lab of Mercy College. She routinely deals with students who are experiencing difficulties. The concept of spin was described to her, although she had difficulty grasping the concept it was finally understood. She was then asked if she employed spin in her daily practice, to which she replied after thought “yes, I guess I never thought about it that way”. This provided a different angle of insight. One from a person who really hadn’t contemplated, nor was actively aware of the spin around her. The interview was enlightening and informative to both parties. It would be of interest to student going through the nursing program, as it shares a different perspective than the one commonly held by the student. Students in other areas of study would also enjoy this interview.

Starr, B. (January 12, 2009). How Political Spin is Done in DC.
Retrieved January 29, 2009, from
Belle Starr is a retired restaurant owner who has taken to writing, keeping idle hands busy. She reularly shares her thoughts, opinions and ideas on the eons website. One of the posts is this short fictional story describing the communications between Judy Wallman, a genealogy researcher and Senator Harry Reid on the subject of Remus Reid (a relative of both).While being a fictitional story, written solely for entertainment, it provides an excellent example of spin, . In telling the story of Reid’s life and subsequent death, using the same facts yet reaching such dramatically different conclusions leaves one scratching their head and laughing quite uncontrollably. Destined to become a classic, it is a must read for anyone looking for a good laugh. Anyone attempting to achieve a better grasp on spin will view this as a true materpiece.

Taylor, J. (February 8, 2009). ‘Antarctic is Melting’ Study Shows Scientists
Flip- Flopping. The Monroe News, pg 5c.
The newspaper article Antarctic is Melting explores the arguments used to support global climate change in relation to the temperature changes in the Antarctic. While not implicitly stating that Taylor believes in global warming or not, one gets a sense that he is not the greatest fan of the scientific community addressing it. Taylor is a Senior Fellow at the Heartland Institute, a national nonprofit research and education organization. Their mission is to develop and promote free market solutions to social and economic problems (Welcome to the Heartland Institute). He has also authored several articles on climate change and green house gas admissions. I this article he mentions that Al Gore has stated that the warming trend in Antarctica is the “canary in a coal mine”, signifying the effects human induced global climate change. Taylor goes on to say that the opposite has also been documented. When presented with the facts of a cooler Antarctica, Taylor asserts that the Gore camp changed their argument to say that raising temperatures in Antarctica proves global warming. Taylor points out several other inconsistencies throughout the article. Taylor elaborates on the muddying of scientific waters and claims in a clear and easily understandable manner, easily digested by the average newspaper reader. People involved and interested in the concept of global warming will find this an interesting if not arguable read. Fans of spin, rhetoric and pundits will also find the article entertaining,
Informative and full of ammunition for argument, humor and debate.


Brown, J. (February 11, 2009). [interview]
eHow Culture & Society Editor (N.D.) How to Master Political Spin.
Retrieved January 23, 2009 from How to Master Political Spin |
Foeller, A. (January 30, 2009). [interview]
Google Software. (2008) Google Software Labs: In Quotes. Retrieved from
In Quotes January 26, 2009.
Hicks, K., (N.D.) The Anatomy of Spin Causes, Consequences, and Cure. Retrieve from
Spin January 29, 2009.
Jamieson, K. (2007) UnSpun. New York, New York: Random House
Jackson, B. (n.d.). Annenburg political Fact Check:
University of Pennsylvania. Retrieved from on January 28, 2009.
O’Donnell. (February 11, 2009). [interview]
Starr, B. (January 12, 2009). How Political Spin is Done in DC.
Retrieved January 29, 2009, from
Taylor, J. (February 8, 2009). ‘Antarctic is Melting’ Study Shows Scientists
Flip- Flopping. The Monroe News, pg 5c.
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Yeah while over here its in MLA format over where you live its in APA, thanks for the explination on APA though, i'll keep that in mind if it ever comes up :p +1 by the way.