music download??


Oct 17, 2007
what proframs do you guys use to download music???

I use mp3rocket its like 50$$ for life time accsess
I don't need the risk of a dude in a black suit driving a black Crown Vic arriving at my door and telling me "sir, you're going to have to come with us".

Keep in mind here that downloading and uploading music and any other copyrighted video, software, or data is still illegal. I don't need the government to know that i'm doing it. Most likely nothing will come of it, but still, do you know the fines involved if you would be prosecuted for such a crime? It's ridiculous. You'd think you were selling crack to babies.
hey yamarider, your right i never used limewire becuz i heard about sh*t that the government was doing that.i don't download anything becuz if the government can listen to ur phone calls then they can watch what you are doing on your computer.

and other people use limewire for porn mostly
yeah but limewire isnt really downloading illeagle music, the music might be illeagle for the person you are getting it from(maybe because they got it illeagly) but you are just getting it from them. its sharing files, just like a zune but on the internet. idk how they can bust you on limewire leagly
Limewire is great and if the government wants you they are going to get you and cmon do you really believe they are going to waste their time and money on some guy downloading music? nah now if you were selling it then yeah they would probly intervene but until then id say go for it :)

Bearshare is a virus. It shares all your files automatically. I would always set it to not share everything, and every time you start it up it asks you one of several trick questions, which if you don't read closely will enable sharing again. Plus half the stuff a search returns isn't the actual file you want. Instead, if you download that wrong file, all of the sudden your computer is infected with a worm virus that you'll never get rid of unless you reformat, and from that point on you're sending the same virus to other users whenever you upload files.

I also don't understand why anybody would take the risk of using limewire, however small the risk may be, when there are better file sharing programs out there that don't share information with the govm't.
same,can't you just like borrow what you want from a friend or just rent it? its not that expensive to rent sh*t
In some cases, yes, you could just rent or borrow. But where are you going to rent a cd? I've never seen such a place.

For me, the only stuff I ever download is the stuff that you can't buy on a cd or be obtained otherwise. Mostly rare or uncommon music, music that hasn't been released onto a cd, etc. Sometimes if I hear a song I like on the radio i'll download a couple other songs to make sure the cd isn't going to be a waste of my money when I buy it as well.

Not everybody uses these resources the same as I do, some people have never bought a cd in the last 10 years and meanwhile have downloaded thousands of tracks illegally.

Yamarider is can possibly get busted from excessive use of it. Albeit the odds are VERY slim that you will but the fines and penalties are outrageous and real, a few people not too far from have gotten fined, it was over 100,000, and in one case the grandparents got fined bcause the grandkids are minors and were d-loading tunes on the g-parents computer. Freakin crazy, isnt it?