mtv nextdoor!!

it will be on in november.. i think that he is now a member here now so give him a warm welcome. im pretty sure that his username is shogs. i left a visitor message.
nah im not that good of a rider but i watched the whole thing. i mean im a good rider but not as good as cody. also i didnt feel like signing tons of waivers and contracts.. but ill lt you all know when it airs.!
Well I was flipping through channels today and happend to come across this episode. I didnt see you on your blaster riding or anything. Just saw him doin some jumps and a friend of his. Hes got a pretty sweet house. I just dont know why the chick in the 1st part of the show got have like 20 mins of the 30 min episode and Cody only got like 10 mins or so.
what do you mean freek?? i think that it will air some time innovember..... i will be a half an hour long and it took them all day to film it. haha my dad and i got yelled at because we were splitting wood with the log splitter and they told us to turn it off...... we had no idea that theywere outside.

You were working in your own yard and some film crew next door yelled at you and you did what they said???!!! Are you F'n serious? They have no right to tell you what to do on your property!!
You were working in your own yard and some film crew next door yelled at you and you did what they said???!!! Are you F'n serious? They have no right to tell you what to do on your property!!

im with you there i would of started my quad all my lawn mowers and weed eaterss and leaf blowers just to be an just like that tho....I:I
I would have been like,you want me to turn it off?It's going to cost ya buddy!Let me see.Your going to make x amount on this show.How about a $1000 to keep quit all day.