movement w/ clutch engaged


New Member
Feb 16, 2008
Hope Valley RI
how easy should my blaster move when the clutch is engaged? i know it is supposed to be easy but should it be like neutral or should there be a drag? right now t has a slight drag nd does not move when in gear when clutch is not engaged, which is correct. just looking for some tips and or rule of thumb.
im no professional but i would say its normal my blaster does the same thing with a brand new clutch in it so id say its fine but thats just me
Yes take the right clutch cover and adjust the clutch rod according to the service manual. It should be like neutral when the clutch is pulled in.
mine doesnt roll free at first when clutch is pressed untill you get it going. is there any chance that maybe the clutch cable just stretched? its still the factory one from 95 lol
i don't really understand what u are trying to say, but if you need to adjust it, you just turn the little nut in the center of your pressure plate. the screws with the springs hold the plate on, so don't worry about it coming off. also, check where your clutch arm (under the carb, left side) is ending up when u engage your clutch. it should line up with a little mark on your engine case. if it doesn't line up then it may not be engaging all the way or disengaging properly. there is a diy on clutch adj.'s in the DIY section of course. i'd check that out.
sry reposted didnt see my last post until i logged in , ill try rolling it first than ill rip it apart i cant really get it hott my tors wont stay on my carb so when i start it the throttle is wide open , thanks for the timely responce guys