Motorcycle Fatal Crash ABS Brakes vs Non-ABS


New Member
Oct 14, 2008
Video - Motorcycle Fatal Crash ABS Brakes vs Non-ABS

Institute researchers compared the fatal crash experience of antilock-equipped motorcycles against their nonantilock counterparts during 2003-08. The main finding is that motorcycles with antilocks versus without are 37 percent less likely to be in fatal crashes per 10,000 registered vehicle years. Bolstering this finding is a separate analysis by the Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI), an affiliate of the Insurance Institute. HLDI analyzed insurance claims filed for crash damage to motorcycles. Bike models with antilocks have 22 percent fewer claims for crash damage per insured vehicle year (a vehicle year is 1 vehicle insured for 1 year, 2 insured for 6 months, etc.) than the same models without antilocks. The results update earlier studies by the Institute and HLDI published in 2008. In 2009 the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) announced that it was looking at the issue in light of the Institutes earlier study but stated that an additional year of data and additional analyses are needed to determine the statistical significance of the results.
It's not really a revelation or anything. $hit happens, but the death rate would drop more with better rider education and skills.

Motorcycles are my life, but honestly I have a pretty low opinion of most motorcycle riders on the street. For sportbikes and cruisers alike, it's all ego, image, and sloppy riding.
Agreed. I see more bikes trying to mess with me in my ten ton truck. I love all bikes but I am scared to be around them because if they get to close or out of line I will kill them. How do I explain to my seven year old that I killed a man for being stupid?