I do believe whitetail deer eat them. We don't have wild boars in MI but ferrel hogs are becoming a bit of a problem. Totally open season on them.
Have you had any luck yet Fred? Joe
@dirtysquared , They should be out here soon i would think. Been having some rain and the temps will be rising.. Me and the boys are looking forward to going out looking. I was suprised because my younger son Cody said " hey isnt it the mushroom time" lol.. I had forgot all about it, then seen you also posted in the Tavern about them.
Have you had any luck yet Fred? Joe?
Nothing here yet. I've been checking every 2 or 3 nights. Next weekend should should really start here in SWPA.
Nice, we must be a bit behind you guys. The grass just started turning green here.
Got my first haul tonight. Tasted great
I do believe whitetail deer eat them