Blasterforum now has a media gallery and can be found at the top of the forums - just click on the Media link to see it. 
The media gallery is a way for forum members to share media, which includes uploaded images and linked videos from other sites like YouTube, Vimeo, etc.
The media gallery is visible to everyone. All Registered members can add media to the media gallery as well as like, rate, comment and report media. Be careful about what you upload to the media gallery with it being visible to everyone. Anything inappropriate added to the media gallery will be removed!
There are site-wide media categories that are mentioned above, but there are also User Albums. User Albums allow you to create your own albums which can contain images and embedded videos. You can have as many albums as you like and Supporting 7 Established Members can even set the privacy of each one of the albums individually. So, for example, you can create an album and share it with members only. There are different privacy options and you can even share albums with specific people only (although moderators can always see albums).
Albums, just like media, can be liked, rated and commented on.
Once you upload your images to one of the many Site-wide categories or even your own albums, you can then attach them to your own posts without having to upload the same image each time. Just click on the camera icon in the text editor to bring up the media that you have added to the Media gallery.
There are many, many more features to go over and mention, but those will be included in an update of this thread in the coming weeks. For now, feel free to explore the new Media gallery and ask any question that you may have below.

The media gallery is a way for forum members to share media, which includes uploaded images and linked videos from other sites like YouTube, Vimeo, etc.
The media gallery is visible to everyone. All Registered members can add media to the media gallery as well as like, rate, comment and report media. Be careful about what you upload to the media gallery with it being visible to everyone. Anything inappropriate added to the media gallery will be removed!
There are site-wide media categories that are mentioned above, but there are also User Albums. User Albums allow you to create your own albums which can contain images and embedded videos. You can have as many albums as you like and Supporting 7 Established Members can even set the privacy of each one of the albums individually. So, for example, you can create an album and share it with members only. There are different privacy options and you can even share albums with specific people only (although moderators can always see albums).
Albums, just like media, can be liked, rated and commented on.
Once you upload your images to one of the many Site-wide categories or even your own albums, you can then attach them to your own posts without having to upload the same image each time. Just click on the camera icon in the text editor to bring up the media that you have added to the Media gallery.
There are many, many more features to go over and mention, but those will be included in an update of this thread in the coming weeks. For now, feel free to explore the new Media gallery and ask any question that you may have below.
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