loud exaust

Dasa Racing

I gotta say Dasa for a duner setup!
Here's one built by mo bro, all after market.. This motor is beefed up!

The beast seems like it wants to jump off the dyno!

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Loud pipes save lifes. And f*ck pussy ass neighbours and tree huggers with there restrictions on sound!!! the louder the better baby!!!!!! Its jsut as important as going fast.
I have seen some pretty stupid statements in this thread. You will have to care about those pussy ass neighbors when your track gets closed down, or you cant ride your favorite trails anymore. And not to mention make the whole off roald community look like a bunch of dumbasses. Thanks. Thanks for making everyone look stupid just so you can be a punk ior whatever you guys want to be
well first off.......im riding it on my proberty...........second i dont have neighbors that really care cause they have bikes to..............i dont ride at night.........................and when i do go riding at places those places are illegal anyways so it doesnt matter
Yea i ride in private property and neighbours dont mind much and i dont ride at night. everyone here runs loud pipes and nobody cares. I guess thats why idont see the problem with. I guess if i was an old boring person id hate big loud pipes.