lost on posting pics


Feb 11, 2010
Orlando, fl
I have read and tried posting pics on treads and on my album. unsuccessful! I am a computer moron please help.

Sooooo close you just needed to finish the last IMG command. at the very end you had [/I it needed to be [/IMG] . what hosting site are you using? Photobuckt makes it very easy to upload and post. Try there for better luck! I:I
yep finish that img tag and it would have worked. I know if you use photobucket it will give a thing that you can copy the complete image tag line and post that.
you guys suck! lol I have screwed aroud trying to do that like ten million times and i come to check the answer to my tread and theres my quad on your page! lol thanks a ton guys I'll try it out. oh yeah i was using tinypics.com or something like that. it was the one that ...... i forgot who posted a how to on posting pics on a tread