loose chain


New Member
Feb 21, 2010
madison ohio
my chain is loose and it is as tight as it will get if that makes sense. could i just take a link out of the chain or do i just replace it.
well you could try lossing it all the way back out and takeing out a link but your chain sounds worn out and strethed it your adjusters are tighend all the way......but you could try what i said or just fork up the change and buy a new one
is it a o ring chain? if it isnt i would replace it for one. if the chain is still good u can get a link tool and take a link out but make sure u know it will loose a link and still work if not i think u can buy a half link maybe. and if you do replace the chain i think u need to replace the sprockets as well
yeah i got a +6 inch swingarm and i dont want to order the wrong size off the internet. i guess it would be best to just go to a yamaha shop
prolly gonna loose quite a bit of top end but will be a monster on the low end...but remeber this u get that 12 and i dont think ur gonna have much of a first gear at all. unless your running some big tires in the rear. im running 18's now and im going up a tooth in the front because my first gear is shhhoooorrrrtttt u let off the clutch and have to shift but u like what u like....but if you buy a new chain u NEED to replace both front and rear sprockets at the same time. Worn sprockets will prematurely wear a brand new chain....i just bought a green o ring chain and sprockets for 70 bucks
prolly gonna loose quite a bit of top end but will be a monster on the low end...but remeber this u get that 12 and i dont think ur gonna have much of a first gear at all. unless your running some big tires in the rear. im running 18's now and im going up a tooth in the front because my first gear is shhhoooorrrrtttt u let off the clutch and have to shift but u like what u like....but if you buy a new chain u NEED to replace both front and rear sprockets at the same time. Worn sprockets will prematurely wear a brand new chain....i just bought a green o ring chain and sprockets for 70 bucks

good advice , changing the chain and sprockets at the same time is a good idea in the long run.
rocky mountain atv has some good deals on there primary drive brand stuff. 12 dollar front sprocket, 20 dollar rear, and a 48 dollar chain. a bit pricay but good quality.
I understand money is a factor

cheapest-just remove a link
middle-get a chain
best (and right way): get new sprockets and chain, you can run about 3 chains on 1 set of sprockets
i ended up just taking a link out because im not goin to have the money to buy a new one untill i get the other stuff i need to get this bike runnin right