Looking for thumb throttle


Apr 20, 2016
Have a 2001 blaster the person I bought it from got silicone happy and siliconed basically the entire bike carb throttle assembly even the engine was siliconed toghter I'm looking for a place to buy a new thumb throttle assembly of there is any reputable places thanks in advance
I got a repro from eBay for like 45$ its not made by Yamaha but it works just fine, also it was band new. now that i look i see a real Yamaha used one for $40 ( used paint wearing etc)
The one i bought is this one http://goo.gl/G8Kq9M - (Ebay link)
the real used Yamaha one is 40 bucks http://goo.gl/uGWp1q - (Ebay link)
i hope this helps.
the ebay repro works good to not crappy casting etc.