Look what i found on cl

I sold it.Got my bills paid.Im happy!Now he can put up with all the CL bull sh*t.I just wish I could of used the money for my new Blaster.
yea no sh*t thats y i sold my tractor lol... but you know what i needed to pat bills an the new place i ddint need the tractor anymore so i sold it an got caught up on all the bills
lol wow he whants to win 440 back...and a 89 for 1000 thats alot.......i only paid 600 for my 98 with new motor 60 over boyesen reeds axtra holeshot tires fmf full pipe 2 axtra castor 927 mix oil and more.....but i dont like the color lol ima buy new plastics for it..........but yea you kept the bills up to date..thats good
Dude just text me bitching about a slow leak in the back tire.If you don't run over sh*t in the woods.It wont leak.I don't understand people b*tching about little things on something they got cheap!I treaded a good running 87 LT230 for the Blaster I have now.Whats the LT230 worth?Say about $800 or so?Say I got my Blaster for$800.It didn't run when I got it.I gave it a 2 min look over and gave it 3 kicks to check for funny sounds.Them put it in my truck and whent home.Thats the way I buy.If it's cheap.I know I will have to fix some things.
Now if that guy that did that to me, I would of 1. Went off on him 2. Told him hey its your problem now, your bought it or 3 Just have not replied to him.

Typical ahole it seems. I think thats a joke how he bought it from you now hes trying to make a profit like that.
what an f*cking ahole, he needs to stop bitching and complaining because i got my blaster for 900$ off a freind who said nothing was wrong with it it had a fresh rebuild. then the chain snapped and im lucky it dident f*ck my cases up, now my clutch is completely shatterd to bits and pieces, it needs a new wiseco, new chain, i got an fmf for it(brand new). and when i rode it the whole swing arm was swinging back and forth because of some ghetto ass swingarm extender. it needed a new wheel bearing, new filter,plug, carb airbox adaptor,new reeds, ect ect ect.............. that guy needs to stfu and live with what he bought. im sorry you have to deal with such an ass of an hole. good luck getting rid of that prick.
what an f**cking ahole, he needs to stop bitching and complaining because i got my blaster for 900$ off a freind who said nothing was wrong with it it had a fresh rebuild. then the chain snapped and im lucky it dident f**ck my cases up, now my clutch is completely shatterd to bits and pieces, it needs a new wiseco, new chain, i got an fmf for it(brand new). and when i rode it the whole swing arm was swinging back and forth because of some ghetto ass swingarm extender. it needed a new wheel bearing, new filter,plug, carb airbox adaptor,new reeds, ect ect ect.............. that guy needs to stfu and live with what he bought. im sorry you have to deal with such an ass of an hole. good luck getting rid of that prick.

same....the second time i rode my banshee the cases snapped because of the chain