I sold it to him for $560.Good luck getting a grand for it! 8-|http://delaware.craigslist.org/mcy/1538386289.html
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what an f**cking ahole, he needs to stop bitching and complaining because i got my blaster for 900$ off a freind who said nothing was wrong with it it had a fresh rebuild. then the chain snapped and im lucky it dident f**ck my cases up, now my clutch is completely shatterd to bits and pieces, it needs a new wiseco, new chain, i got an fmf for it(brand new). and when i rode it the whole swing arm was swinging back and forth because of some ghetto ass swingarm extender. it needed a new wheel bearing, new filter,plug, carb airbox adaptor,new reeds, ect ect ect.............. that guy needs to stfu and live with what he bought. im sorry you have to deal with such an ass of an hole. good luck getting rid of that prick.