lastnight i went to a state park with one of my friends to walk on some trails and look at the fish hatchery i walked back to the truck to throw my coat in the cab and my cell phone and truck keys were in my pocket with out thinking i threw my coat in the cab and locked the doors and started out back to the creek to watch the fish then went to grab my phone from my pocket and realized what i had done by this time it was getting to be dark we looked at my friends to call someone to bring me the other key and no service cause we were down deep in a valley (screw at&t) but my phone locked in the truck with allet service was full bars and that is pretty unheard of down in the parts we were at and no body in the area had service at all to call someone i ended up finding a park ranger and using a phone i called my dad and told him what happen all he could say is there is nothing i can do im like really you could bring me the other key oh okay i will be down there soon its like a 30 mile drive we sat and waited by the truck it was dark and getting cold lol and being in the valley with all the water around didnt help at all at times like this when i wish i knew how to break into a car lol