live from dyracuse atv trails!


Jan 5, 2009
fond du lac wi
That's right!! At the trails an posting on the forum.. I'm sittin in the truck taken a break. So far this is what I have learned about the blaster. ..... Pilot an needle are good. Main is rich.... If I don't get it halfway threw thhe rpms in the upper gears befor going wot is bogs. ..... Corners great with the spacres axle an tires!!!! Shocks suck!!! My body is taken a beating!!. .. An with the 18s the skid is to low an a get slowed down in ruts! Was cold this morning but hardly any traffic on the trails. Now its packed! I have the only 2 stroke sport quad here! An there are a ton of dirt bikes! One hit on a bike got taken out in a ambulace. Guess he went over the bars an got taken out by his bike.. Well back to riding!
kiss my sandy back side on the pics.... forgot to bring camera, and forgot air pump.. im home now.. day got ended short due to flat tire!!!! aired it up and 20 min later it was flat again... the plug in it is leakin, even with slime still leaks..... so i got to get it tubed

definatly need shocks.. im sore as hell... i can fel it in my knees wrists and elbos.. not to mention i lost it doing a 3rd gear sit down wheelie and now have sand in my pants and up my back hahahah.. going to shower!
so now that im clean.. and sandy crack free....

definatly need 14t front.. ran outta gear down one of the straights at the atv park, 18s suck in loose sandy dirt trails.... draggin it threw ruts slows me down.. have to down shift , ... main is rich yet but she ran good... and ran hard!!!

buddy riding the wifes 300ex was on my tailthrew the trails.... untell we hit the straights than i was gone!!!

the 300ex rides like a caddy compaired to the blaster..... definatly need shocks...

gonna make a skid that goes further up the swinger with no holes in it to alow for it to slide across the middle of ruts inseat of diggin in, the front tires done turn the best at low speed but they bit pretty good on the trails and when where i wnted it to!!

got complemtns from two guys on z400s.... one said my blaster looked bitchin, and the other said it sounds sweet, sounds better and looks faster than any blaster he has seen... they both thought it was a trx250r at first because of the right side pipe... im like i wish.. its just a little blaster.

and after seein about 103 dirt bikes today i do miss me some 2 wheels
yeah, i'll have to see, if i come that far you better believe i'll be bringin my set of 22's.....and a pump lol