little pig, little pig, let me in!!!


Staff member
Jan 30, 2009
think the pig flu finally caught up to me, feel like death, anyone have any luck with hospital treatments????
that sucks man, as far as i know you just go get it verified and treat it like a normal flu bug.....get better soon bro
its really not all that bad me and my family caught it.
we went to the doctor he gave us a prescription for something called tamiflu we were feeling better by the end of the day
drink a few beers have a joint rub your body with snake oil and go ride the blasty you will feel better wah ha ha ha

lol get better soon my brotha
tamiflu is what you need mate get some of that down ye and youl be sorted.
get well soon id like to see a full test ride report when you get the pj jetted, or are you way ahead on that one?