today on the forum we have had quite a few arguments! i'm not tryin to post a useless thread but everyone calm down and appologize to whoever u bashed/pissed off........
peace everyone
peace everyone
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today on the forum we have had quite a few arguments! i'm not tryin to post a useless thread but everyone calm down and appologize to whoever u bashed/pissed off........
i just think some people ran out of tampons today8-|
haha i got kind of fed up with the arguing
i hear ya on that....i get fed up with people arguing with me!......i usually stop, than they say on thing more that ticks me off then yes of course its gonna drive me to say suthing else........
my ex is still faster
yeah, see that was kind of funny and i dont think he was being serious about it......8-| he took it back![]()
i was lmfao but anyways why do you care if i say my ex is faster we both have barely any engine work they would probaly be really close in speed.
yea.....not trying to start stuff, but mine would honestly either like 1 tire ahead or less sense i got a head pipe and a filter...but thats all i got over u. But actually here soon mine will be losing top end speed( gearing it down for more bottom end)
idk its my dads but the sad thing is my blaster takes it in top end.but he kills me at the track and at the start.
yes back when i had my blaster, it wasnt all that much modded, just piped, filterd and jetted thats all for engine modds my blaster was just a step slower than my 400
yeah no more fighting sorry for being a prick even though i was joking, but we should be sticking toggether not fighting think about it we are the only ones with 400s. Truce?
winter time makes everybody depressed. it does me anyways..i hate winter. i cant ride!!! i have 4 quads i cant ride anyways....snow sucks, cold weather sucks, winter sucks.....not to mention the economy sucks, and i cant that sucks.
also there are people who say sh*t that takes my already dreary life and makes it worse....
theres my $.02......if you dont like what i say....oh well, its an opinion...every body has one.
ill calm down when its warm again and i cant break out my toys and make noise in the back yard to race our 250's....
I'll pitch in for ya a heater....I:I