Leak Tester Exhaust Plug


Feb 5, 2012
Kentland, Indiana
Hey guys, what do you use to plug the exhaust? I had something to plug it with, but it didnt hold again and i had it all leak tested, but i pulled the reed cage to check reeds again.
I haven't leak tested my motor yet, but before I put my exhaust on, I used a plug from a bath tub drain to see if it would fit in my exhaust port. Its rubber. It fits and that is what I'm going to use when I leak test my motor. You can get them at any hardware store for less than $1, just hold it in with your exhaust flange

What it looks like:
Well, depending on what kind of exhaust you have, if the flange can be removed from the pipe, do that remove the flange measure the inner diameter usually 1.25-1.50 inches, go to hardware store get a expandable plug that fits that size hole! If ya don't have access to a piece of innertube.
I haven't leak tested my motor yet, but before I put my exhaust on, I used a plug from a bath tub drain to see if it would fit in my exhaust port. Its rubber. It fits and that is what I'm going to use when I leak test my motor. You can get them at any hardware store for less than $1, just hold it in with your exhaust flange

What it looks like:

This is even cheaper than an expandable plug! as long as the hole isn't all the way through!
1 1\8 expandable boat plug from the hardware store. But it won't work in the manifold flange you have to put it in the exhaust port