just wont fire


New Member
Apr 13, 2009
1996 200cc blaster i may have mixed the gas about 35 to 1 i put the gas in the empty tank started it no prob rode for 20 min parked shut off left sitting for a week and it would not even fire so we changed the plug and tryed again no luck so i drained the gas and mixed premium 50 to1 as the guy it was bought from said yamaha said to as well when i changed the plug i tryed to start with the 35 to1 gas so if i fouled the plug would it even fire? it is getting a spark but i could not see it in natural light i did see spark in the light of my garage i tryed putting 50to1 prem down the plug and it did not even fire so it makes me think its not a gas problem i have not cleaned the carb it did not fire with a strait prime so i thought not to bother just yet plz help i have a compresson tester but it should still fire with low compresson
the spark is blue.i put a compresson test on and it did not move but i coverd the hole with my thumb and it felt like it had lots of comp i pulled it behind my truck and it would start at about 10 km/h and it bogs but if you go about 20 km/h its almost normal but dies just after it stops just fur the record i tryed the comp tester on a sled and it showed proper reading just so i know for sure am i alright to run 50:1 prem or am i headin for trouble
if it is pushing my thumb it should have a bit at least but i wonder why it would not show any on the tester like it pushes real hard it feels like it has alot of compresson thanks for your quick replies man
i just put the compresson tester on and kicked it a bunch and nothing so i pulled it in first gear with my truck and it showed 120 psi
does anyone say it might just need a new piston and rings this problem is drivin me nuts
120psi is good enough to run. average new is 130. 90psi is about the lowest a motor would run. Have you tried spraying some ether in the carb and see if it will fire?
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I would HIGHLY suggest unplugging these 2 wires under the hood, if it runs then tors is crap. The tors can imitate many different running problems. I know mine ran fine then about 4 days later it wouldnt hardly start. this cuts or limits spark..mine had spark but ended up being tors.


Not at all, looks like its been leaking badly. The piston has nicks in it, but you say it has decent compression so the bore might be okay. Does the head and the cylinder mating surface look flat?
You said that u only got 120 pulling the quad, but none kicking it. I'd think that the compression might be to low to start then. Plus you should see a good spark, like bright blue.
The cylinder looks to have scratches. Are they deep enough to feel with your finger?