just had

childhood memories......haha, wish some exiting crap happended around me, here in indiana the only thing thats exiteing is watching your hiljak neighors renact jackasses evil keneivil tribute on 400ex's and hurting themselves.
childhood memories......haha, wish some exiting crap happended around me, here in indiana the only thing thats exiteing is watching your hiljak neighors renact jackasses evil keneivil tribute on 400ex's and hurting themselves.

I walked out in my back yard and saw a cop going through my shed and stuff. He said some kids had broken into the base ball feild and stolen some equipment. He was just checking to see if they dumped it on my property. I asked him very politely if he saw all three cars sitting in my drive. He said yes. I infomed him that this was private property and that he at bare minimum needed to announce his intentions. Then I told him to get the hell off my property! What a jack ass. You dont go through someones stuff with out asking. PROBABLE CAUSE!!!!!!
^^ thats crazy he just took it upon himself to walk into ur yard without saying anything......sounds like another abuser of the badge