just great....


Mar 26, 2007
somebody spray painted my garage, threw sh*t around inside,smashed my hillbilly mower, opened every paint can and poured them on my garage floor!

i don't get what the hell is wrong with people these days.
oh damn.... now that would send me over the top, I would roundhouse kick the sum biotch that did it, and then set fire to his cat
somebody spray painted my garage, threw sh*t around inside,smashed my hillbilly mower, opened every paint can and poured them on my garage floor!

i don't get what the hell is wrong with people these days.

I can guarantee you that biotch is between the ages of 13-16.

Ask around people. When you find then, drain all his oil outta his car, and put sugar in his gas tank.

If you need any ideas of smoke bombs ect... :-D
holy hell, you have terrrible luck with ur garage... once ur blaster gets stolen...now paint and hillbilly lawnmower o.O anyways --> i have many years experience with blowing things up, need any help with anythin get to me on yahoo :P
and we found out who it was, it was some black kid that i got into a big fight with at school over what he did to my friend
he was bragging about my garage , and as soon as i heard him i went up to him and punched him swearing and cussing at him.one of his friends even gave him up, he got arrested and charged with a bunch of crap. me however i got suspended 5 days for fighting
if you just want someone to kick the shiot out of them let me know
i took care of him when i went up to him and started beating him.

i busted his lip, gave him a black eye, and i hit his head into the ground, and smacked the living daylights out of him

the only punches he threw was to my stomach and my head but everybody in the school says he got owned by me.

the judge is forcing him to pay for the damage and he has to serve juvenille time
did u nock him out? anyway you got your revenge lol you were lucky you didn't start a fight with his mates and your mates aswell cus that sucks when that happens
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