Just got a blaster


Jan 8, 2012
England, UK.
Hi guys, I just left a deposit for a blaster today, it looks pretty old but seemed to run well from what I can see its all stock but I must admit after riding my 4stroke 320cvt i was shocked at the acceleration. so what im wondering is how can i find out what year it is? i can get the frame and engine number on tuesday when i collect it also another thing is where can i get parts from?, other than ebay. all I can see that it needs is the frame sandblasting and respraying / powder coating. It was the cheapest i could find in my area, Im paying £550 for it (I dont know where most of you guys are but im in england) and usually they go for £1000+ stock so i thought even if it needs abit of work, has to be worth it. here is a pic, any tips with these bikes? :P

Also they were alot smaller than I expected as we have a Quadzilla 170ram, I expected them to be about the same but the blaster is quite abit smaller..also the frames look the same except the ram been abit bigger.

what parts do you need ive got lots but the shipping would kill you. and could you turn england money into u.s. money ill ship it if you willing to pay shipping and stuff.
Not sure untill i take it for a proper run and see what its like, i will eventually be wanting some performance parts though.
Just google Yamaha atv vin. It should be easy to find the vin decoder. You think it's fast now? Do some upgrades like porting.
It's at least a '90, but no younger than '03. Looks to be stock, possibly beat on (might have been raced) but the number plate could just be there for looks.
first things that I would do for it would be a pipe and uni filter, then rejet it. this is only after ensuring the general health of the quad.

congrats on the blaster!
Well, the guy im buying it off lives in the country side and i think used it for trails and stuff, so i dont think its been races however he's only had it 4 months or so, so im not sure about before that.
Something I do need is some netting for those nerfs or some complete nerfs but if i was to buy complete may be better buying over here in the uk due to shipping to england :/
Im taking it for a test ride today, if all goes well saturday ill be going out with friends then ill start stripping it and get it all powder coated and stuff, also ill be putting disc brakes on the front.

Yeah, needs a clear out :P also have another 2 50cc quads, a 110cc buggy and an argocat that u cant see in the pic :P and tons of spares, aload of random crap and what ever else there is :D
also where is the vin number on a blaster? i found what i thought was it but it was only a 9 digit code with a - in it, and when i search online it says it should be 11-17? this code was behind the a-arms along the frame? am i looking in the wrong area?
If memory serves me right it on the right side of the frame if your standing in front of it by the footpeg.
Yeah thats the one ive got but its 3JM-*****7 but when i try using something to decode it on the iternet it says it should be 17 digits.. :S