johnny law!


Jan 5, 2009
fond du lac wi
yup.. had my first powersports run in with the law tonight..

got the new chain and sprokets on the bike finnaly!! got her warmed up, geared up, took it for aspinny spin spin threw the parking lot and out onto the street ( oops) went 4 blocks down the road, two blocks over, than back home.. bike flys!!!!!!!

anyways, put the bike away, warm up, check online, get the rug rat dressed to get oil for the bike and gas, a friend of mine shows up, so we go to leave, i walk out the door with the gas can, and here is mr johnny law walking up my driveway...

( i knew damn well why he was here before he even opened his mouth)

he asked me about me riding my bike on the street, i said well i was waiting for parts and finnaly got it running and i took it for a spin to make sure everything was right, welll its illegal to ride on the road so why did you do it, well idk i just did, we went back and forth about it for like 5 min, he said the same people complained about a week ago for me riding my FOUR wheeler on the street..... well sir i dont own a FOUR wheeler, and it has not been run let alone out of the garage in 2 weeks, so may6be you better talk to the other guy around here with the FOUR wheeler ( no one around here has a4 wheeler, just my trikes and another guy wit a 3 wheeler)

cop said this is my one and only warning next time i ride the bike on the street i wil get two fines, one for this time and the next time! im so pissed off!! granted i did something i shouldnt, BUT i also admited to it right away and cooperated with him and didnt give him attitude tell he was a dick to me!!

f*ck em all!!! lake should be froze over in a week or 2 so the neighbors can kiss my white ass!
that sucks!!! ive got stopped by the cops before and they just told me to get off the road. matter of fact, my buddies got stopped before by a state trooper for ridin on the road and he told them to have fun!! awesome!!
don't you have to have a valid state sticker to ride on a pub. lake, you could be fined if you don't.

yes and no... dirt bikes dont need to be trail registerd to run on the lakes and rivers BUT has to be trail registerd to ride on atv trails like black river falls trails

my 3 wheeler is registerd AND atvs have to be registerd to ride on the lakes and rivers.. i have no clue how it works having to have a atv registerd but bikes dont... weird but oh well!!

im not pissed off that the cops were called i know i shouldnt have rode on the road, and i admited to the cop i did, and was polite and cooperated and he was a straight up ass hole to me,
thats the way they are around here. like just last weekend my buddy told me i cuoldnt do a donut in my yard when i was plowed well stupid me i go out in my yard where there is barley enough room between the church an my house an do 5 donuts. lol so then about 15 mins later the sheriff shows up an asked me if i was drivin my truck an stupid me said yea had to back up to the door an load up this junk fridge which i did. an he said what about the marks in your yard. im like what about them theyve been there for awhile. an then hes like how long is a while. then i said well the last time i was sober enough to drive. he didnt like that but thank god i knew him. lol he told me to hang my keys an leave the truck there for the night an well i did. i dont go out a ndrink an drive i just did it in my own yard an i wasnt like drunk. i just had 2 drinks an i made 50 bucks off the bet which it cost me 65 to replant grass seed. lol
My wife and I ride mine around town. I don't do any thing to draw attention though. I haul foot ball equipment to the feild and run errands when I need to. Our cops are almost never around.
that sucks 4ced! the cops around here are pretty nice, my freind and i were riding on the sidewalk to get over to the football feild for a little pick up game and a cop drove right by us and gave us a nice little wave, they really dont care if your not like pulling wheelies in the middle of the street. but countless times iv'e had to run from em..... its not the cops around here it's the neighbors!
Well... depending on the road here... cops can be nice or they can be mean. Where they're mean... we just hit the gas harder. XD
he cant do that if he was going to give you a fine he has to issue it right there and then.

police at my bit dont usually come down but they did this one time , lol the didnt know how to get onto the fields i ride on because theres a river so i just spun the shee around and high tailed it back to my house.