Jetting question


Mar 12, 2012
Southern illinois
So I got into my carb today, and I originally thought I had a 290, but it's a 240, and I just read it wrong(eyes aren't to good). Can I just order a 290 main jet from rocky mountain and that solve my issues, or do I need the whole jet kit? I have fmf pipe and silencer, holes in the air box. Boyesen super stock reeds.
Yep I looked at their jet kits for a Banshee and they are insane priced.
It way cheaper to buy 4-5 different sizes and go from there.
Jet kits are a waste of money, it is very rare to find a kit that contains jets that you can actually use, they usually only contain above and below where you want to be, and often the most obscure needle.
i'd get 270, 280, 290 and 300

if ya have a dealership locally ? i'd just go there,
mine charges me under $4 per jet, and lets me return or trade ones i don't need