Is this wrong???


Nov 10, 2008
Eastern Iowa

yes thats my shee carbs sitting in the strainer with my dishes... i tore them apart an stuck all the internals in a bowl of cleaner but the the rubber an plastic pieces ;).. then my roomate came home an said what the hell are those then he looked a lil closer an goes wtf they doin in the strainer an i said drying.. :) then he went to get a bowl of ice cream an he goes hey where's my bowl. Im like its in my bed room with the rest of the carb parts soaking.. hes like man you a true red neck.. LMAO
i use pd blaster with a lil deseil an carb cleaner an then i blown everything out after it sittin for a day or 2. like when i had one of my lady friends com over yesterday shes like what the hell it smells like an autoshop in ur bed room.. im like yea i workin on my carbs lol...
o an the best part is that chick had a bet with my roomate that he said that she couldnt tare me away from my 4 wheelers.. an guess who won.. my friend did haha... the only reason he won cause i knew they had a side bet.. she tried just about everything...
it gets in all the small places an when im all done i blow them out really good an then re was them in av gas for about 30 mins....
its all stuff that i have siting around here an at my friends house... hell i got 55 gallons of av gas at my buds place. i used that in my enduro klr 250 an it made a big diff in that cleaned the engine out lol. just like when i flush my cases out after i drain the oil out i put in a lil desiel fuel in my case an let it roll around in my case an then drain it all out an flush again with more clean oil.. makes all the gears an moving parts look brand new again. ;)
The joys of being a redneck!

My friend stored his KX 250 in his kitchen for EVER. This is where he stored and worked on it until he pulled his street bike in to put aftermarket lighting on it. Once the street bike was done, back came the 250!

Women never understood but they didn't mind..... He kept them in the bedroom! LMAO!!!

Great story Bobby!
same here lol thats y i do it.. when i first put my shee together it was in the basment of my buddies basment an we messured the door an it would fit but i forgot to measure out to the studs... damnit so i had to take off the axle an one of the front hubs to get it out.. lol
I saw a dude on bbc put together a small road car in his kitchen cpmplete with a 5.0 Ford. He laid out full paper drawings and built frame and all. he cut the wall out when he was done , rolled it out and put the wall back in.
i cleaned my cases in the dishwasher back when lol,but i didint use detergent i put som parts cleaner,that was the end of the dishwasher,it still smels like parts cleaner and soap
thank you guys thats one thing my x hated cause my shee use to sit in the living room an sometime you would have to sit on the quad just to see the tv... lol depend on what i was working on.. that lasted a whole 3 days before i had to move it out to stop hereing the bitching. lol
I don't see anything wrong here I:I

Word to the wise- don't be tempted to put anything aluminum in a dishwasher.
The detergent will corrode the hell out of the parts lol