is this worth a offer?

he did spend some money:

lonestar swingarm = $800+
works shock (rear) = $500+
works shocks (front, non res) = $450+

right there he spent close to $2000

every addon looks like new and he probably didn't shop around.
Id go after it! Sure, the engine may be all stock inside, but the PO has already done the expensive stuff. Wheels, shocks, swingarm, etc. Plus that Blaster is so clean that it can't have been ridden much or that hard. I can see at least $ 2,500.00 worth of aftermarket parts on there. Make a reasonable offer ($1,800.00?) and he might just take it!
That thing looks to be in exceptional condition. It is well worth what he is asking. That would be a great starting point and a great deal for someone looking to buy a blaster and mod it anyhow. Just add engine work/mods. Like Braaaptor said, make a reasonable offer.
You could get that or spend a few bones more and get your choice of banshee,250r,even some of the older 450's.

I personally would give a damn what it had done i wouldnt go much over1,000-1,200 and even then i dont think i would get it.

But i prefer to build my toys so i know who and whats done.You could build the same thing for less if youre resourceful and hunt for the right deals.

Build it bro dont buy it is my vote!!!