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bonjours, a vous tous, mechant beau forum. Aller montrer vous, ceux qui sont du quebec, je veu savoir combien on est ici.
moi je suis du quebec .pres de montreal.
Yup, does seem to be French and unless your going to be riding in Quebec, don't worry about it:)

Anyway, I think the translation goes something like " Whoever replies to my thread is ahole of the month!" (I hope their is a prize!)

Edit: If somebody confirms by translation, ill just be deleting my post...
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The funny part is what half of you are writing is not english. What the hell are words like tats, gona, gata, and undert stand. Sorry I know I am just anal as sh*t but poor spelling bothers the hell out of me. I am not saying I don't do my share from time to time.
The funny part is what half of you are writing is not english. What the hell are words like tats, gona, gata, and undert stand. Sorry I know I am just anal as sh*t but poor spelling bothers the hell out of me. I am not saying I don't do my share from time to time.

Not only does it bother you, but when people search the forum for phrases they need, most likely they are not going to find what they are looking for because of misspelled, slang, phonic words in those phrases.

Anyway, were getting a bit of subject here :)
sorry about that dharbeck its just the way i type, i dont really think about the spelling but cbaber is right it does make it hard to find phrases and info your looking for
i tell , if you are french guys on quebec , tell me your nick and we speak in french. but i think your all english .
moi chu francophone jhabite a laval pis bin c sa ds mon coin yah kedal:p
bonjours, a vous tous, mechant beau forum. Aller montrer vous, ceux qui sont du quebec, je veu savoir combien on est ici.
moi je suis du quebec .pres de montreal.

ok here is the translation,

hi,evryone,verry nice forum,come-on french guys tell me you are around ,i wants to know how many french there is in this forum,and please speak to me in french cause i can read english but cant write it!!! hope this translation help guys and yes it is in french

now i am going to be french my-self to answer this guys ::
salut mec moi je suis de la beauces et je tripp blaster aussi,et si tu veut fonctionner dans ce forum je te conseil de commancer a jaser en englais ,a plus steve!!!I:I
bonjours, a vous tous, mechant beau forum. Aller montrer vous, ceux qui sont du quebec, je veu savoir combien on est ici.
moi je suis du quebec .pres de montreal.


hello, all of you, beautiful forum, are any of you from quebec, i want to ride with somebody, im in quebec, near Montreal.

not bad for just a compulsory grade 9 french