idles but wont rev


New Member
Jul 16, 2009
i just rebuilt the top end on a 03 and rejetted and installed a block off kit the bike idles but wont rev just bogs and sputters! any ideas?
TORS.. you probably forgot to plug one of the TORS plugs in.. you try and rev it and it;s liek it;s hitting a rev limiter?
reeds mine would rev a touch and than bog out could also be the wires by the frame on the shifter side i had a wire not pluged in it would idle perfect id touch the throttle and it would die.. check the wires if you look at the carb front the left side (shifter side) their will be wires on the frame with liek a zip tie check em mine were disconected and wouldnt run..
i was gonna say that i saw this thread yesterday and i had the same issue about 3 months after i got my bike and it sounded to familar