idleing issues


New Member
Feb 21, 2010
madison ohio
i got a 94 blaster. runs and drives alright just cant get it to idle. i tried the screw on the side of the carb. it was all the way in and i tried backing it out doesnt seem to do anything. also it will run better with the choke out. anybody got any ideas.
Assuming Your wheeler is stock. Their is a tors on top of your carb. It is a big bulky heap that your throttle cable goes into. Theirs a big screw on top of the tors. That is your idle adjustment. The screw on the side is your air screw, it controls that air fuel mixture from idle to about quarter throttle. That could be set any where from 1 1/2 to 2 1/4 turns out.
there is a pipe review thread stickied in the engine section. thats a good place for pipe info. are you sure you were turning your idle screw and not the air/fuel mixture screw?
Yeah i have the same problem. But if im not on the gas it just dies.... I know my tors are bad i had to cut my wires to get spark... Im beginning to hate my blaster.... :(