Idle prob


New Member
Dec 26, 2008
i went riding the other day and noticed i had no i thought i maybe my top end is sarting to go..when i got back home i went to take the head of to check it...turns out the spark plug was really loose which is prob why i had no i tighten it back up and fire her up and now wont idle i have the air screw turned all the way in and yet the quad is still idleing really high..i tried messing around with the idle screw on the top of the carb and the air screw on the side of it no change...anyone know what this could be ?
i didnt take the head off once i realized the plug was loose..i tightened the plug and was going to run her to see if i had power
i couldnt figure out how to put a vid iin my post soheres a link to her idleing on youtube..the airscrew is all the way in and its still reving high
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Have you put a new plug in yet?

If you have not , then get a new one because a spark plug has a colapseble (hope I spelld that rite) washer on it and could be leaking trew the washer, set the idle screw out, and check that your air screw did not get moved, remember that the air screw should be 1,1/2 to 2 turns out.
i just got a new plug but that isnt the prob...i opened up the tors to see if anything was wrong in there, because no matter how i turned my idle screw there was no change. turns out the idle screw is turned all the way up and wont trun back in FML..anyways i figure disconnecting the tors would be my best question is; when i disconect the tors will it negate the effects of the idle screw and make it useless?? Thanks for the help guys
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No it should not, I took my TORS out and it was fine. Although I have a idle problem too my idles perfect until it gets really hot (10 mins of riding) then every time I come to a stop the idle slowly climbs up?!?!? I have to let the clutch out a tiny bit (in gear) to bring it back down. Then it slowly creeps up really high?? I think Im running a little lean can this cause this? My tors has been removed... I have no air leaks and Im stumped