i think i missing something???


Nov 10, 2008
Eastern Iowa

yep took apart my carbs on the shee to clean them out an look what i found missing... dont know where the hell it went but its gone :-/ :-/
dang that sucks, check your drain and your roommates bowls again, maybe there, and check wherever you dumped the cleaner, sucks when youloose small parts.
no it wasnt in the carb period i have no clue how the hell it dissapered but it did lol... nah one of the problems i found was the pilot jet had rust in it so bad that i couldnt even use a lil metal pick to push out all the rust an didnt matter how long it sat in carb cleaner or anything it just ouldnt come out so now i gotta get a new ej 25 pilot an then i dont know y all my fuel keeps dumping out of the bottom of the bowl ethier i clean both carbs checked the specs its right at 21.5mm an it still leaks fuel out :(
yea i dont know i havent tested them after cleaning them hardcore.. i made sweet passionate love to them an everything... let it all sit in parts cleaner for 3 days in a glass bowl next to my bed so no one would lose them an let me tell ya that was the best 3 nights of sleep i ever had smellin gas desiel an cleaner all mixed together ahhh i miss those nights lol.. yea after i get the ej 25 pilot an get that other part im hoping it dont leak fuel out anymore
if its coming out of the bottom drain take the screw out and clean the seat in the bowl and tighten the screw up, same thing happened to me. if its coming out of the overflow tubes check to make sure your needles are fully seated and sealing.
where the floats are take teh pin put, the spring in rides on is inside a little bullet shaped piece. if something gets in ther it can mess up that piece, or cause teh floats to stick. (its called a needle to seat btw) you can also replace that part in a carb rebuild kit. now if you push on the rod on teh top of that NTS and it doesnt spring back up..guess what..its bad. make sure to blow compressed air threw that carb after you use a fluid cleaner.

gas inst really a good cleaner for a carb. gas sometimes is really dirty. full of sediment. sediment is small enough to pass thru a screen, and quads dont have a filter..so....

ill look for that carb body, and ship it to you. that pickup tube (piece that is missing) cannot be bought, its part of the carb body.......dont worry, rockstars hooking you up...hahahahaha
thanks rockstar this is gonna help me out a lot, an yes i blew everything out with my compressor an the only gas that was in there was what was left in the very very bottom of the bowls.. otherwise it was a lil avgas desiel an carb cleaner an something else i got a lil crazy... lol and yes after cleaning everything it springs really good now...

so thats y im hoping it will work fine now lol
sweet deal. so as soon as you get a good non choke side carb body, you should be ok. you'll have to clean it up as well.....im out of cleaner, and its just sitting in a box in the shop attic....
man u dont know how bad it pissed me off cause the first time i started it it ran fine but i turned it off right away cause i didnt have the airbox yet an it was idle high too... i just figured that was from the airbox not being on.. then after i installed the airbox i got from ya an went to dport to get my air filter an installed it all an started it again an then all of a sudden the smoke stopped coming out of the left exhaust. so i turned it off right away.. an thats when i found out how bad my pilot was OMG lol

i just wanna get this damn project done an then break her in an ride the sh*t out of her
part of buying a basket case..hahaha yours was def a basket case...but you got teh main issues figured out, now its just teh piddly stuff. it will all work out in the end, i know its frustrating....but with patience it will be fine....
i know i was gonna give up on it all an remmber i was gonna part it then my buds step dad bought my top end so i was like f*ck it now its all down to the lil sh*t an its been a fun project but its gettin super cold outside now an it sucks cause i dont have a heated garage lol