i no a few tricks to find out whats wrong here. first of all, this probably wont do much but turn on the light switch and kick it over to see if it lights up to see if you have power from that coil. if that checks out use your light tester and touch the leads to the two wires for the ignition circuit coil. this is the thing behind the flywheel cover. if the light on your tester lights up then that is not your problem. next check your ignition coil. an easy way i found is get a 9v battery and clip an alligator clip onto the frame and the other side to the negative terminal and take the input wire from the coil (the one with the spade connector i believe its black or yellow) and clip an alligator clip on it. take out your spark plug but leave the spark plug wire on it and hold it on the metal of the frame. take the alligator clip thats not already on the battery and tap it on the positive terminal. you will probably need to do it pretty fast to check it. it sould make a small spark accross the plug. if its not sparking just grab the plug and see if you feel a shock (trust me it wont be much of a jolt) if that checks out along with your stator coil the problem is most likely your cdi box. also, if you recently tried to remove your tors make sure that the small yellow wire coming from the cdi is connected to a black grounding wire. unplug any type of kill switches both the key and your toggle and see if you have any luck. make sure you dont have any wires bare and shorting on eachother or the frame too. i hope this helps!!