this reminds me of the first day i got my blaster from the dealership just a lil over a year ago. i test drove it for 40 mins to make sure it was nice an warmed up really good. so ya know everything was just fine. so i paid the 1200 cash for my 03 blaster. got home an rode it for 17 mins an i heard the sound of death (piston slapppppp). so right away i take it back to matt (sales man) an hes like ahhhh man what you do. so i told him i just got it off the trail as was riding are trails for a a few mins an then had to be pulled home. so hes like since u just got it ill cut ya a deal. so after 3 MONTHS he calls me up an is like well its gonna b 165 bucks. im like alright i go down there to pick it up an the guy is like alright ur bill is 528 bucks. i start laughing an im like i think you got the wrong person buddy. an hes like ur bob dryer right. im like ya thats me. well ur total is 528 bucks. so i go an talk to matt. an then he goes an explans what they all had to do. so i get them talked down to 325. so im like alright. so pay the bill an get home an kick it for the first time an it started on the first kick. then 7 secs later i heard a loud snap noise an the engine dies. so i take it apart to look to see what could of happend so i dont mess anything else up more. so when im looking at it they didnt bore it right. it started out at the right bore then got wider as i tested it with a bore tool an i was like wtf???????? so what happend was the ring slipped an scrapped the walls again so it neede to be rehoned. so the next day i go back in an explain to him what happend an he said o i knew we forgot to do something. an i was like what. he told me then they didnt even test my quad to make sure it was gonna run right. so im like so know what. he goes wells its gonna cost u parts an labor. im like wtf i dont think so. then he goes off an is tryin to tell me they dont warntey there work. so kyle the guy at the desk that im pretty good friends with is like oh sh*t this aint gonna b good. so matt the sales man who sold it to me an is also there mechanic flipps a tit on me cause im like y should i have to pay for ur guys f*ck up. so he ignores me an starts workin on his barracuda an i was like matt u see this paint cheap on ur hood that decreases the value buy 2000 dollars. then he comes up an shoves me an the next thing i know the desk guy (kyle who is 6'8") puts me in a full nelson an picks me up in the air an is like bob i know u wanna kick his ass right now an i know ur a short bastard an you could do it but i dont wanna loose my job. so he carries me outside like that an says get in ur truck an call this guy ill make sure it gets fixed right for ya. so he calls him an i take it to him an it gets fixed for free.
then 2 weeks later kyle quits cause he seen another one of his friends get screwed over wrose then me.
ahhh i feel much better getting this out lol.
so the blaster ran for about 6 months before my miss hap happend an sucked in water an fried the piston.