i hate relationships

All bitches are the same - Don't start worrying about love, dating, or marriage until your at least 25... enjoy your life without all the drama of relationships, just don't forget to wrap up! lol

And until you're 25, just remember the 4 F's...

Find em Fool em F*** em Forget em

They only make your life worse if you start caring, trust me!

If only I knew all i know now when i was in highschool :rollseyes:
meh we all experiance it once in our life
lol thought i loved the first girl i was with but she was a fruitloop,always starting arguments that i had to apologise for then i realised how wrong i was and have been happier since .
lol nah guys, waiting until you're 25 is all well and fine, but its nice to have someone there as long as she's got her sh*t together, or it appears so. Just watch how far you get involved, and if you get hurt knock that brokenheart bullshit off, life goes on. My plan in life is to have a big truck, a lot of toys, and a small house until marriage and children get involved.
All I have to say is dont let anyone tell you what you can and what you can't do...Bcuz when everything comes to an end you will end up with regrets. Not all girls are crazy but like 97% are..Its nice when you find someone who you can be 100% honest with and enjoy all aspects of life with. You wanna go to a strip club there are girls who will go with you...you wanna work on your blaster there are girls who will sit with u and hand u ur tools as u need them, there are girls who will go riding and not be all about drama...its just about finding them...You have to weigh ur options, sometimes its ok to look over little flaws, overall its about the big picture...Honesty, Trust, Friendship, Loyalty, and Bra Size...LOL Good Luck :)
All I have to say is dont let anyone tell you what you can and what you can't do...Bcuz when everything comes to an end you will end up with regrets. Not all girls are crazy but like 97% are..Its nice when you find someone who you can be 100% honest with and enjoy all aspects of life with. You wanna go to a strip club there are girls who will go with you...you wanna work on your blaster there are girls who will sit with u and hand u ur tools as u need them, there are girls who will go riding and not be all about drama...its just about finding them...You have to weigh ur options, sometimes its ok to look over little flaws, overall its about the big picture...Honesty, Trust, Friendship, Loyalty, and Bra Size...LOL Good Luck :)

hahahahahah well said!
hhahha i think the MRS. was trying to describe herself..i bet she does sit and hand the MR tools and all that great stuff!.....quick question for ya, does MR. sit and hand you tools while you work on your blaster?..lol and dont forget a girl that can cook you dinner and do the dishes, thats always a good quality.....lol jk jk jk
havin a chick has its advantages , even if she's nuts . Like you always have shampoo and q tips , and oven cleaner and windex and underarm deoderant , and clean clothes and once in awhile BJ's , and for all of that you have to listen to a little incessant whining and the " does this make me look fat routine " then so be it . When she's threatening to leave you , or throw you out , or set fire to your belongings , you can rest easy knowing you'll be able to find another one just like her , just in case she doesn't take you back for the 10th time............
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they made me learn french at school..... theres more useful life info in that small writing by BLASTARD than they taught me in 4 years, big up yourself bro!!!I:I