Hundreds of ATV's fighting this new law! in PR!

not all places are like that.. some places alow it.. some dont.. i got the cops called on my for taken my 125r down the road after putting new chain and sprokets on it.. cops showed up and threatened to give me a hand full of fines...

i live 10 minutes from the lake and rivers i ride in winter, i load up, and park on the side of the road, leaving the car and trailer there.. hell i leave my ratchet straps layin on the trailer.. gas can on the trailer... same with the 5-10 others trucks parked there..

Yea i know, jsut some towns are like that, i saw them on the dirtwheel mag. Where i live its really rural so traffic is minimum so we jsut take, drive 2-5 miinutes and get to the trails. Not worth it loading up the quads in my dads King Ranch and trailer and just leaving it at the road basically cuz there is no space to leave them OFF the road, it will be half on street half on dirt. Then some drunk f*ck comes and hits the trailer or pick-up. At least thats how it is where i live.

And of course there are always those irrisponsible people that go o ntheir shees without helment and sh*t and f*ck with the cops in the urban areas, those are the ones that f*ck the sport for us. To those people are the ones that the quads should never be returned.
yea, the pic in my avatar was taken in another town, to that place we laoded up and went, its a great place to ride but its not official and last time we went the government was already marking some places to make roads. Other than that place, we go ride at our local trails from other people and stuff.
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Ok , the new law , might not be something that gets your jollies rocked , but , if yu re-look at the video and think of , what I am about to say , then , more than likely , if your sensible , you'll understand .

Think of your car ( if you have one ) , running down the street , disregarding all traffic laws , doing burnouts and wheelies , whilst , your little 5 yr old is watching , thinking "oh cool" , and you know the rest of the scenario .
Now , go to a different extreme and realize ,that the ONLY reason laws are made ,is/was due to a few idiots that decided they did not want to do whats rights ( or sensible ) and go hay-wire .
Again , the ONLY reason ANY law is made ... is due to some people doing what is NOT right and either jeopardizing others , themselves , or both .
And when you ask what are you supposed to do with your 4 wheelers ... well , simple answer - do as the rest of us do . Toss them on the backs of your dimes ( S10 pick-ups ) and get to some remote area where you CAN ride them , without breaking any laws , or violating someone elses rights .
Have fun , but realize the RIGHTS of others , AND remember the land which you ride on ... if its NOT yours , then treat it like gold and respect the rights of the owner of the land and the land itself !
i hate livin in indiana, they have sucky atv laws, when i get older i'm gonna try to do somthin about it though, it would be nice if all states and countries were more atv friendly, but as lasxgames and 4cfed said, people abuse their rights and do wheelies and stunts and illegal stuff on the road, get hurt or hurt someone else and thats why they are illegal, i think, i like nevada's laws, u can make almost anything street legal, just throw on some slicks and a motorcycle license plate, and geta motorcycle license, i personally think that they should have atv licences for the roads, just like anything else.
i say u should have to pass tests and crap to have ur quad street legalized, by my house u can legalize a john deere gator cause it is called a agricultur vehicle, so all u need is a slow moving vehicle sighn and a licence, haha, the police have to inspect it too, my neighbor does that, i want a gator now, haha
2005 blaster k&n filter boysin clutch dont think i spelled tht right but oh well it also has fmf pipe and power core 2 silencer plastic and works shocks on the way.
Can you imagine sreamin down the road and some idiot pulls out in front of you when your doing 50. You aint stoppin in time no matter what kind of brakes you have. I hate most of the laws too, I had to buy a trailer for my toys. And I don't have a truck. Went through two trannies so far but the bonneville still pulls.

For you all in PR_I think you should find the jag offs that are causin the problems beat the sh*t out of them and burn there toys. Sorry my bad side just came out!