not all places are like that.. some places alow it.. some dont.. i got the cops called on my for taken my 125r down the road after putting new chain and sprokets on it.. cops showed up and threatened to give me a hand full of fines...
i live 10 minutes from the lake and rivers i ride in winter, i load up, and park on the side of the road, leaving the car and trailer there.. hell i leave my ratchet straps layin on the trailer.. gas can on the trailer... same with the 5-10 others trucks parked there..
Yea i know, jsut some towns are like that, i saw them on the dirtwheel mag. Where i live its really rural so traffic is minimum so we jsut take, drive 2-5 miinutes and get to the trails. Not worth it loading up the quads in my dads King Ranch and trailer and just leaving it at the road basically cuz there is no space to leave them OFF the road, it will be half on street half on dirt. Then some drunk f*ck comes and hits the trailer or pick-up. At least thats how it is where i live.
And of course there are always those irrisponsible people that go o ntheir shees without helment and sh*t and f*ck with the cops in the urban areas, those are the ones that f*ck the sport for us. To those people are the ones that the quads should never be returned.