How to wheelie

2004 YFS200

New Member
May 6, 2008
Saugus, MA
ok well i know how to wheelie in first this is what i do i pull the clutch give it gas let go out clutch not slowly but when i try this in any other gear it doesnt work could someone tell me what im doing wrong.
yeah, bout half throttle then drop clutch and feather throttle to smooth it out!
I do most of my wheelies is 2nd, I kneel on the seat,(im coasting at this point)I gas it and use my momentum of my body weight to bring it up, I can control it pretty good....until I run out of room!! haha
i do my wheelie in 3rd gear (mad power) i just put my right foot on the grab bar while my other foot is on the footpeg, i give it steady throttle lean back and pull and give it a small nudge on the throttle keep my balance until it starts to pull or fall down a lil bit then i shift to 3rd (i did pull the clutch handle in to shift) you will need to be quick to shift or it will drop down. its pretty easy once you get the feel of it.

the longes wheelie i've ever done was on a county road that was about a quarter mile not excatly sure i went 1st gear to 6th gear the wind resistance agianst the fenders did most of the work. man that scared the sh*tt outta my friend that was riding behind me
i sit on the seat. let off once it hits the powerband in 2nd, hammer it and pull up. shift to 3rd, feel the sweet spot play with throttle, shift up more, w/e.
you guys use a clutch? i dont need to pop the clutch to get it up in any gear. i just lean back a bit and giver on the throttle
i never pop the clutch. i would rather do it the hard way isntead of slacking off and letting a quick burst do all the work
Funny story on how NOT to wheelie. One of my first attempts with this bike. Leaning back basically off the back of the seat in 1st gear about half throttle and dropped the clutch hard. Came up pretty good until I hit a slight bump and started going back a little too far. Tried to hit the brake but must have missed. It just laid me right on my back (suprisingly gentle) still holding the handle bars, feet on the pegs. Rode back to my buddies just laughin their asses off. Looked at my now bent grab bar and realized "Hey that gash wasn't in my oil res before... apparently their was a bolt missing on my grab bar so when I came down on my tail it hinged back and dug into my oil res like a hot knife through butter. Looks like it's time for that oil block off fix. On the plus side however... my first wheelie was "partially" succesful, I mean at least it came up.
ive never been good at doing wheelies with a clutch 1-3 is easy wit no clutch, the only time i pop wheelies wit the clutch is when me and my friend smess around and drag race ib feild going from n-1beacuase after that im going too fast for a wheelie lol
I do mine in any gear without dumping the clutch. I just lean back and punch it. I am 6'3 150 pounds so i am always sitting all the way back anyway so i practicaly never have the front end on the ground.
i weigh 85 pounds and i am 14 i wrestle for a living so i lose alot of weight. : )