How-To DVD


New Member
Feb 9, 2009
Hey guys hopefully this isn't stepping on the new selling rules of the forum but I wanted to at least let you guys know about my how-to video I built last year.

Granted this is for a Banshee but there's a ton of info on it that can relate to blasters too.

I'm not trying to just sell this DVD to you guys it's just as much of a helpful tool to contribute to the blaster forum as anything else. Hundreds of people have bought it over on Banshee HQ and absolutely love it so I hate for anyone here to miss out on it.

If I'm breaking any rules here I apologize.

However if this is ok with the moderators then here is at least the link to where I posted it over on Banshee HQ and if anyone wants a copy it's $20.(free shipping) and my paypal info is

Thanks all!