how to check if a bike is stolen?

you can usually tell by how the person acts when they're selling it to you. If they won't show pictures to you or give you an exact adress, then its probably stolen. I've been in that situation before.
you can usually tell by how the person acts when they're selling it to you. If they won't show pictures to you or give you an exact adress, then its probably stolen. I've been in that situation before.

hes not buying it hes going to be selling it.
you can usually tell by how the person acts when they're selling it to you. If they won't show pictures to you or give you an exact adress, then its probably stolen. I've been in that situation before.

and thats not true.i have bought a stolen dirtbike before the frame just got repainted a different color and i have sold it to someone that lives like an hour away from and thats how i got my blasty.and it was an 03 cr85 and paid $100 for it.all it needed was a clutch and silencer.and i posted pics of it