How to change front brake pads, help


New Member
Jun 8, 2011
I have a 2000 Yamaha ysf 200. I have looked in the DIY section and even the archives, I also looked at the downloadable manual, but I haven't found any info. on replacing the front brake pads. I took off the front tire, and wondering what do I do next? Thanks for reading, Don
Hi, is it a pre 2003 model? if so, you need to loosen the main spindle nut, 1sta take out the split pin, and crack the nut loose, its a metric size 22 socket or spanner. then you will be able to seperate the wheel hub with the wheel studs into two halves, ie, remove the part that turns (drum) from the part that does not turn. inside you will find the brake shoes that bite onto the drum lining, there is a big spring that keeps them under tension and in the correct place, pry it loose with a screw driver or a plier and remove the shoes!
Hey, thanks for the info.I did take that big nut off, then the whole assembly started to come off. I thought whoa, I better come here and ask. There are pads on ebay and they dont look like the ones at my local shop. So i am looking to see whats on there right now.
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k, thats fine, pull it apart! make sure you get the right shoes, they not terribly expensive and may be worth while just getting them locally so you can see if they are right instead of ordering and finding they are the wrong ones, the post 2003 blaster have a hydraulic system and have different pads, thats probably what you are seeing onm ebay
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The ones on ebay are half the cost as the ones here. On ebay they are alot longer. I ordered a clymer manual for the bike too.
1988-2002 blasters use mechanical drum brakes. They use shoes not pads, the shoes should be curved with "pad" material all along the outside circumference.

The 2003-2006 blasters used nissin hydraulic disc brakes and the pads are 1.5" x 1.5" backerplates with about 1.5" by 1" areas of "pad" material on the front with two holes above the pad material through the backerplate.

Go to the general support section of this forum and download the downloadable blaster factory service manual. It's in PDF form and covers disassembly, maintenance, and reassembly.
link to ebay ones? if they are longer, chances are they will not fit and probably are not for a blaster! :o

anyone else know of longer front brake shoes?? (chime in if hint not caught ;) )
you can also have your existing shoes relined, any brake shop should do it, its a very cost effective method i used to use. they simply put a new layer of compound onto the old shoes and you reuse them.
you can also have your existing shoes relined, any brake shop should do it, its a very cost effective method i used to use. they simply put a new layer of compound onto the old shoes and you reuse them.

Oh wow blaner, hardly anyone relines shoes in the states anymore man. That's a sign of the area you live in but a good resource if you have it available to you!
haha asbestos? why not?? so what if a few miners get asbestosis? all in the name of ATV's! but ya, they are phasing it out, its not very popular anymore but you can still have it done
Oh lord, asbestos liner? No no no, asbestos liners haven't been around in AGES, the best you can find here is semi-metallic liner material.

I'm actually talking about the people doing the relining... Like radiator cleaners, carburetor rebuilders, and points adjusters... going the way of the do-do bird.
haha well actually, i dont think many shops still use it, but it is available, i always asked for the sintered metal ones, but hey when guys drive around with 1x wooden piston in their taxi (no jokes) asbestos doesnt seem to bad
Hi, is it a pre 2003 model? if so, you need to loosen the main spindle nut, 1sta take out the split pin, and crack the nut loose, its a metric size 22 socket or spanner. then you will be able to seperate the wheel hub with the wheel studs into two halves, ie, remove the part that turns (drum) from the part that does not turn. inside you will find the brake shoes that bite onto the drum lining, there is a big spring that keeps them under tension and in the correct place, pry it loose with a screw driver or a plier and remove the shoes!
Hey I cannot seem to get my drum off of the part that will not spin.. Please help if you have any info to share
A little better explination would help, better yet would be your own thread. It's great that you searched !!
Thank you I have since removed the drum from the part that holds the shoes(brake pads) it was seized up and it just needed some working on to loosen it up.