How To 'Break In' a Two Stroke

Its kinda funny they mention 5 gallons of gas through an engine to complete a break-in. Heck, I would re-ring my piston (i'd do the piston/wrist pin and bearing every other ring) once a month with about 4-5 hours on it. I'm guessing probably not much more than 8-10 gallons through it at that point. So my top-ends were always pretty fresh. After years of this maint schedule and getting a new ride (or two) each year, I got more lax with 'the' break-in procedure according to hoyle to the point that I adopted what I previously posted.


why would you rebuild your top end before it eas even broke in???sounds to me like you have more money than brains!!
Should you change the oil"tranny" after break in??
Just wondering do to any metal debris from break in that may fall in case.

BTW great thread
this takes too long, i just take it easy for the first tank of gas and then on the sacond im not ripping on it but im goin pretty good, then after that im good to go
thats not really a good idea... you should do an official breakin, but i did read somewhere BUT IM NOT GOING TO RECOMEND THIS BECAUSE ITS NOT REALLY OFFICIAL...BUT! i did read somewhere that you can just go and run it hard as hell and it will be good..but im not recomending it over the official breakin so okay?
I was told by a guy down at the yamaha dealer that its good to first let it idle in neutral for 15 minutes then cool completely to seat the new bearings, I dont think it could hurt.