how do you remove oil injection??

98 Blaster Guy

New Member
Jan 8, 2013
recently traded for a blaster have been mixing a small amount of oil in the gas and filling the rear tank is this bad on them? also how do i remove the oil injection with out removing the pump can i just disconnect it cap it and then premix the oil?:-/
Don't mix oil in the tank and full up the oil fill. On the right side of the motor you will see a small cover. I think it has 3 Phillips screws in it. Take that off. Remove the whole assembly.
Order this part.
Yamaha Blaster Oil Injection Block Off Plate YFS 200 | eBay

Put that is place of the pump. Follow the line back to the carb. Cut the hose off long enough so you can plug it with something. I used a drywall screw, grinded it off flush and zip tied it. Thames the oil tank off and your done.
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thanks for the help this is my first two stoke still new to the oil mixing stuff seems simple enouph though! I:I
Make sure you get a mixing cup. If it's your first 2 stroke then you might want to search these terms...... "plug shop, leak down test, jetting, and compression test." you will find that the search button will pretty much answer any question related to a blaster. A lot of awesome people on this forum that will help you through it.

Welcome to bf!
recently traded for a blaster have been mixing a small amount of oil in the gas and filling the rear tank is this bad on them? also how do i remove the oil injection with out removing the pump can i just disconnect it cap it and then premix the oil?:-/

This is the worst thing you can do it upsets the jetting and makes the motor run hotter than it should and will burn the piston requiring a rebuild very soon.

It is either oil injection which is excellent or premix which allows variables.

The 2 cannot be used together.
how do i remove the oil injection with out removing the pump can i just disconnect it cap it and then premix the oil?:-/

Why remove it in the first place? The yamaha "autolube" oil injection works perfectly. I use it with porting,re-chambered head,high compression,etc with ZERO issues. I've already heared all the BS stories of the failures. If you do your homework,you will see that the failures can be contributed to "operator error". Very simple,and very stupid things like... forgetting to fill the oil tank,even though you can see it from 200 feet away,and not bleeding the system after disassembly.
And what do we have here? :-/

Why it's a high output oil injection pump for a RZ/Banshee engine :o of more than 400cc, halfway down the page The Two-Stroke Shop 2-Stroke Shop

Had I done any research before I trashed my pump, I might not have 8-|

Arctic Cat uses injection on 1000cc T-Cats, hmmmmmmmmmmm

I used the injection on my AC drag bike. Enough oil for 5/6 runs down the track. Adjusted so pump didn't open until 3/4 throttle, used 100:1 premix for enough oil for idle. Clutch didn't engage until 5500rpm, so it was either idleing or WOT :o Plus the oil lubes the main bearings before it mixes with the fuel/air charge. Suzuki used an unusual design on the T-500, Outboard mains were lubed by the pump, two center mains lubed by trans oil. B)

With 20/20 hind sight the 30$ for a Vito's kit might have been better spent on something that actually improved it.

A nipple can be added to any carb, so don't go there.
Why remove it in the first place? The yamaha "autolube" oil injection works perfectly. I use it with porting,re-chambered head,high compression,etc with ZERO issues. I've already heared all the BS stories of the failures. If you do your homework,you will see that the failures can be contributed to "operator error". Very simple,and very stupid things like... forgetting to fill the oil tank,even though you can see it from 200 feet away,and not bleeding the system after disassembly.

I used to think the same thing. Had two strokes in the '70's and the oil pumps worked great. (Yes, I'm that old.)

Bought the Blaster about a month ago and seeing the forum concerns I decided to check the pump. I put some oil in the gas and pulled the line off the carburetor. Started the engine and got drips out of the line. Two weeks later my son is riding and it craps out on him. Pulled the cylinder and the piston is toast. Call me a premix convert.
I used to think the same thing. Had two strokes in the '70's and the oil pumps worked great. (Yes, I'm that old.)

Bought the Blaster about a month ago and seeing the forum concerns I decided to check the pump. I put some oil in the gas and pulled the line off the carburetor. Started the engine and got drips out of the line. Two weeks later my son is riding and it craps out on him. Pulled the cylinder and the piston is toast. Call me a premix convert.

But was the oil injection at fault?

Was the motor leak free?

Was the jetting correct for the conditions?

Was there oil in the tank?

Did you remove the pre mix from the tank before it was ridden?​

If you continued to run the pre mix, then you may have suffered detonation from a lean mixture, which would killed the piston.

If that is the case it boils down to operator error, not the poor old misjudged oil injection system.

If you remove the oil injection you will have to re jet the carby.