How do I?....


Jul 14, 2012
Okay guys I was wondering how to get a sig and pic everytime you post something. I put a avitar on but it doesnt show up and I cant even find edit sig. Someone help please!
you have an avatar
"edit sig" is found under the "user CP" tab near the top/left of every page
use a pic hosting website such as tinypic or photobucket to upload your pics, then paste that .IMG code for forums into your sig edit, or any post you want to add a pic
No man! at the very top is edit your details, below that is profile prvicy and so on. theres nothing about sig ):
lemme look into your profile and see if sig is an option
i see in the mod panel that you are allowed a sig, it is highlighted, i tried to edit your sig...."sig check"
but it isn't showing up ????
lemme try to add a pic ?
hmmmm, sig pic failed ?
pm ......xKroniK13x
he'll fix ya up

and quit begging for rep points, you gotta earn them, LOL
So you can get on anyones profile.. whoa. thats BA lol. But anyway idk why but i cant find the sig option
So you can get on anyones profile.. whoa. thats BA lol.

yes, all the moderators and admins can.
and if a picture of this cow shows up as your sig pic, that was me, baaaaaaaaaaahahahahaaa


How do I earn them? answer questions and stuff?

yes, you earn rep points when someone feels you did something worthy, asking for them is not, LOL
Can I do something worthy for you? Like saying you have the best blaster on here? lol

a-right, enuf is enuf, have some reps
if i see you begging again, i will return you to zero points
there, you now have a green box of rep under your avatar
see cow pic above, LOL