How big are Blaster riders?


New Member
Jan 4, 2010
Greensburg, PA
May be this has been covered, but I brought up -to a friend that I bought myself a 99 Blaster to tinker with and ride (kinda the civic of quads) and he says oh..."Baby Quad huh? Those are for small people"

I am 5'10" about 170 and I think its a perfect size to flick around and ride hard. I also have a Honda XR650L dual sport which is so BIG and heavy I have to work out just to ride it 6/10ths.

Just wondering how tall and how much other Blaster owners are...I never thought of the Blaster as a "baby quad"?:-/
im 5'11'' 255.. and ill ride the sh*t outta a blaster!!! thats why i love my 200x 3 wheeler a little small but good power and can toss it around

I had a 200x for a long time. Nice thumper motor. Then I got on a Kawasaki Tecate and I was born into 2 strokes.
im trying to sell it right now to buy a84 tecate i found.. even though ima honda atc man.. had a 81 250r a 84 250r 2 200 big reds and 2 200x's

Love Tecate and Tecate 4s. I had a 250r and a CR500. I bounced around with Honda, Kawasaki my whole life. Never had anything else. Blaster is the first "other" brand I have bought.

Hope you score the Kawa! Post pics if you do -haven;t seen one in a while.!
5'7 110 its perfect for me the frame size that is a bigger motor would be nice to race with the big boys but as for size i love it i hate to move up to a 450 thats made for a big boy
Well, i don't know why you don't use the metric system in the US. But well we drive on the wrong side of the road. I an 1.74 m tall and 80 kg don't know what that will be in pounds
6'4" and 290lbs here. blasty gets me around no problems at all. im probably the bigest rider on this forum tho. but hey. its my first quad and i bought it for 100 bones. so im content with that
im 6'1" an 160lbs an its fine for me my friend has even rode it an hes 6' an almost 300 lbs an it didnt have any problems haulin his fat ass around
im 6'0 and a buck70 and it hauls with me and batt on it.......u can always lenghthen and widen them for more stability, especially when u start modding the engine out
Ya'll are a buch of tall skiny boys. I'm 5'8" at 250 and I love the power of my mostly stock blaster. I was very impressed the first time I felt it pull my fat ass around:)